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Reproductiv e phases in relation toyield and seed quali ty in soybean(PDF)


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Reproductiv e phases in relation toyield and seed quali ty in soybean
Pham thi Dao1 Hari Har Ram2
1 The Food Crop Research Center , Phu do, Me tri , Tu l iem, Hanoi , Vietnam
2 Professor and Head , Vegetable Science , G. B . P. U. A& T, Pantnagar, India.
This ex periment wa s conducted to determine( i ) The ef fect of pla nt type on va rio usreproductiv e phase interval s, ( ii ) Heri tabi li ty o f va rious reproductive phase interv alsand thei r rela tionship wi th yield a nd seed quali ty. Tw enty fiv e v arieties, di ffering inthei r crop duration w ere ev aluated ov er 2 years v i z. rainy season 1992 a nd 1993.Plant type did ont af fect reproductive phase interval s except R1 - R2 period. Heritability estimates fo r all the reproductiv e phase interv als w ere rela tively high ( 0. 74) .The lengh of fi lling period ( R5 - R7 ) was nega tively , nonsigni fica nt ly co rrela ted w ithseed long evi ty and posi tiv ely , no nsig nificant ly co rreated w ith seed yield and seed si ze.The tota l reproductiv e interv al could be used as ini tial selectio n cri terion for identi fyinglines wi th lo ng seed filling po riod. Seed lo ng evi ty w as posi tiv ely , signi fica nt ly co rrelatedw ith day s to f low eringHigh yield and go od seed quali ty are desi table t rai ts in soybea n, Grea ter seed yieldis related to a lo ng er repro ductiv e o f seed filling period and determina te habi t g row th ofplant , how ev er, Wilcox ( 1980) repo rted similar yield of semideterminate a nd indeterminatewhen both the ty pes had equal ma turi ty. Go ley et al. ( 1986) found that stem termination types did no t dif fer sig nificantly fo r yield. The high yield po tential should beaccompanied wi th goo d quali ty since low seed quali ty will lead to poo r g ermina tion, slowemerg ence, and inadequa te pla nt stand resul ting into w eed problems and reduced seedyieldSev eral w orkers hav e repo rted that soy bean seed a t tains i ts hig hest po tential quali tya t physio logical ma turi ty. Thus repro ductiv e stag e interv als assume sig nificance in relationto seed quali ty. Vaug ha n ( 1987) found that the longer the period R6- R7 , the largerseed o btained, a nd hence poo rer the seed quality. So ng et al. ( 1988) also observ edposi tiv e cor relation betw een f rui ting period and seed w eigh t while Pfei ffer and Eg li( 1998) found tha t seed si ze w as rarely co rrelated wi th fi lling period. In view o f these conflicting repo rt s a nd co nsidering the impor tance o f seed quality the present inv estig ationw as co nducted to determine the ef fect of plant g row th habi t o n va rio us reproductiv epha se interv als; heri tabili ty o f reproductiv e phase intervals and their rela tionship toyield and seed quality


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Last Update: 2016-12-26