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A STUDY OF MAIN FACTORS CAUSING YIELD DECREASE OFCONTINUOUS CROPPING SOYBEANⅡ . Effect s of Harmful Org anisms in Soi l o n Co ntinuous Cropping So ybean(PDF)


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A STUDY OF MAIN FACTORS CAUSING YIELD DECREASE OFCONTINUOUS CROPPING SOYBEANⅡ . Effect s of Harmful Org anisms in Soi l o n Co ntinuous Cropping So ybean
Han Xiaozeng Xu Yanli
Heilongjiang Institute of Agricul tural Modernization ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Harbin 150040
Continuous cropping soy bean Soil Harmful o rganisms Ef fects
The soil fo r field t rial w as di sinfected, fertili zed and i rrig ated in thi s study. The result shows that , th e harmful o rgani sms related to soy bean o ptimum g row th soi l affectthe dev elopment o f continuous cropping soybean g reatly; Compared wi th cont ro l, thesoybean biomass reduces 7. 2% - 14. 52% , plant height go es dow n 11. 6% - 17. 26% ,stem thickness decreases 14. 63% - 21. 95% , LA declines 10. 42% - 18. 67% , and final lyield falls 12. 19% - 14. 59% . By using steaming disinfectio n to the soil of continuo uscropping so ybean, there are no sig nificant di fferences o n dev elopment and final yield between t reatments and cont rol. Soy bean pest s and diseases are ref lected by harmful o rganisms in soi l. Ferti li zer and w ater ca n no t ki ll ha rmful org anisms in soi l, but canmake soy bean plant st rong er and stabli ze final yield.


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Last Update: 2016-12-26