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UTILIZATION OF SOYBEAN GERMPLASM WITH PLANT- TYPE OF LONGFLORAL AXIS AND SHORT POD- BRANCH Ⅰ Co nt ribution of lo ng f lo ral axis and short pod- branch to seed yield(PDF)


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UTILIZATION OF SOYBEAN GERMPLASM WITH PLANT- TYPE OF LONGFLORAL AXIS AND SHORT POD- BRANCH Ⅰ Co nt ribution of lo ng f lo ral axis and short pod- branch to seed yield
Xie Futi Chen Gui Wang Xiao guang Wang Haiying Zheng Guo li Dong Zuan
Shenyang Agricultural University , Shenyang 110161
Soy bean Long flo ral axi s Sho rt pod- bra nch
Lo ng flo ral axis and sho rt pod- branch were two superior cha racteristics of so ybeanplant- type fo r yield improv ement. The to tal cont ributio n of them for seed yield w asmore than 20% . It w as mo re po ssible to obtain the g ermplasm in the determina te poddinghabit so ybeans. The combina tion of lo ng f loral axi s and sho rt po d- branch w ashelpful to the soybea n adapta tion a nd to lera nce to stress co ndi tions. It w as necessa ry fo rthe va riety w ith the tw o cha racteristics to hav e the coincided cul tiv atio n manag ement fo rex erting i ts yield potential.


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Last Update: 2016-12-26