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Wu Mingcai Xiao Chang zhen
(Oil Crops Research Institute ,CA A S, Wuhan 430062)
Soy bean S uti li zatio n ef ficiency Uerides
Study of sulphur o n so ybean va riety Ai jiao zao by w ater cul ture show ed that thesui table S application lev el for soybean g row th and dev elo pment is 0. 1Mmol S /L. It canincrease the accumula tion o f dry mat ter. Under di fferent S lev els the distribution ratioo f dry mat ter o f o rg ans in harvest stage is low er tha n that o f the fo rmer g row th stag e.The order of S content in org ans in seed> leaves> stems> ro ot s> pod shells. S a pplicationcan improve the functio n o f symbio tic nit rog en fixation. The urdides and relativ eabunda nce of ureides in stems a t pod stag e are the hig hest a t the lev el o f 0. 5Mmol S /L.S deficiency can increase the co ntent of ureides a nd ni t rate ni t ro gen o f o rgans. When theS content o f functio nal leav es and no n- functional leav es at flow ering stag e are low erthan 0. 12% and 0. 08% respectully, they can be reg arded as cri tical index of soy bean Sdeficiency.


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Last Update: 2017-01-14