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Liu Feng Chen Shouyi
(Plant B iotechnology Laboratory , Institute of Genetics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bei jing 100101)
Micro satelli te marker Simple sequence repeat Allelic div ersi tyMolecular mapping
Micro satelli tes a re simple, tandemly repea ted di-to penta-nucleotide sequence motifs f lanked by inique sequences. They are valuable as g enetic markers because they areco-dominat , detect hig h lev els of allelic div ersity and are easily a nd eco nomically assay edby PCR. Ex periments rev eal tha t microsatellites are dist ributed th roug hout the so ybeang enome. The mo st abundant micro satelli te mo tif s reported in soy bean are ( AT) n and( AT T) n, w hi le ( GA) n is most abundant in the human g enome. There a re 7- 10 allelesa t a sing le SSR locus, up to 26 alleles /locus. SSR ma rkers can be expected to complementexisting RFLP maps, a re useful for g eno ty pe identification, g ene and QT L analysis, marker-assisted selection in breeding and pedig ree a nalysi s.


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Last Update: 2017-01-13