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THE STUDY ON Zn NUTRITION IN SOYBEAN CONTINUOUS CROPPING I The Ef fect of Continuous Cro pping o n Zn Nutrifio n(PDF)


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THE STUDY ON Zn NUTRITION IN SOYBEAN CONTINUOUS CROPPING I The Ef fect of Continuous Cro pping o n Zn Nutrifio n
Han Limei Zou Yo ng jiu Ju Huiya n Wa ng ShuqiYang Zhenming Liu Jingping
(Uniuersity of Agricultural and Animal Science of P LA , Changchun 130062)
Soybean Co ntinuous cro pping- ro ta tion Zinc nut ri tion Accumulative cha racters Soil ecolo gical effect s
The kinetic cha racters of Zn in soi l and soybea n plant under so ybean, continuo uscropping st ress w ere inv estig ated by po t ex periments, field ex periment s and chemicalanalysis indo ors. As fa r as the av ai lable Zn in soil o f soy bean continuous cropping is totallyhig her but the uptake and accumulation o f Zn in soy bean plant is low er than that ofrota tio n in di fferent so ybean co ntinuous cro pping yea rs and di fferent g row th stag es, theva ri tio n is especially sig ni ficant in the cri tical full blooming-podding-seed fil ling vegetative stag e. The result s indicate tha t bio logica l availabili ty of soil Zn is no t high so thatthe co ntino us planting soy bean causes poo r g row ing condi tio ns and malabso rption o f nutrientelement s by it s root s. Therefo re, soybean continuo us cro pping should requi remore supply of soi l available Zn to meet i t s needs. The scientific g ro unds fo r reaso nablreg ula ting Zn nut ri tio n of so ybean continuo us cropping and alleviating continuo us croppingbarriers a re recommended by the study.


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Last Update: 2017-01-13