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Sun Junming Ding Anlin
( Insti tute of Crop B reeding and Cultivation, CAA S , Beij ing , China , 100081)
Soy bean Iso flavo ne Geog raphical co ndi tion HPLC
To understa nd the rela tionship betw een the accumulation of isof lav one co ntent andg eo graphical condi tio ns, 7 soybea n va rieties w ith dif ferent isof lav one lev el w ere plantedin 7 locatio ns and the soybean iso flavo ne co ntents in the seed w ere determinated byHPLC. The result s show ed tha t the av erag e to tal i sof lav one co ntents w ere sig ni ficantdi fferent in 7 locations, the highest content ( 2492. 3μg /g ) w as show ed in Shanxi, thelow est ( 763. 4μg /g) w as show ed in Hubei. Coefficient o f v ariabi li ty o f the same v arietyva ried markedly in di fferent locatio ns. Coef ficient of v ariability of Jilin No. 3 w as thehighest ( 49. 4% ) , that of Zhang jiako u Heido u w as the lowest ( 33. 5% ) . We draw aconclusio n of tha t there exi sted highly sig ni ficant posi tiv e co rrela tion o f i sof lav o ne contentwi th lati tude, and po sitiv e cor relation w ith sea level elev atio n, but neg ativ e co rrelationwiht longi tude. Mo reov er, there were nega tiv e co rrela tio n of i sof lav one contentw ith mean temperature a nd amount of precipitatio n; po sitiv e co rrelatio n o f i sof lav o necontent w ith ho urs of sunshine. And the coef ficient of co rrelatio n wi th mean temperaturew as the highest ( r= - 0. 879* * ) .


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Last Update: 2017-01-13