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Cui Zhang lin Gai Junyi Ji Do ng feng Ren Zhenjing
( Soybean Research Institute , Nanj ing Agricul turalUniversi ty , N anj ing 210095)
Soy bean Leaf-feeding insect s Germplasm Resista nce to insect s Resistance so urces
Screening fo r source of resistance of soy beans of leaf-feeding insects ( LFI) w as carriedout in 1983, 1989, 1990, a nd 1992-1994 in Nanjing. Out of 6724 so ybeang ermpla sm accessions, 20 g enotypes w ere identi fied to be highly resi stant to LFI, includingN2549-2, N1178-2-2, N5454-3, N3697, N3039. and N4908 wi th resi stancemainly to bean py ralid, mugw o rt looper a nd co t ton w orm, N21400, N10403, N 3018,N 3400-1, N 3854, N4029-3, N3155-1, and N2395 wi th resista nce mainly to beanpy ralid, and N 5305-5, N3379-1, N 21565, N20793, N23518 and N21551 w ith resi stancemainly to co t to n wo rm and mugw or t looper. The resista nce lev el o f these geno types inthe testing years w ere hig her than that of PI171451, PI227687 a nd PI229358. In themean time, 12 geno types w ere identi fied to be hig hly susceptible to LFI, includingN 20839, N 20955, N 21266, N 117-1, N119-1, N681-1, N1327, N 21550( mainly to beanpy ralid ) , and N 20865, N3289, N 10172-2, and N20922 ( mainly to co t to n w orm andmugw ort lo oper ) .


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Last Update: 2017-01-13